Thursday, August 28, 2008

The fall of the United States.

Something Ill never be able to understand is the connection between Black people and the nation of Islam… I know that propaganda has been at work for the last 50 or 60 years to promote Islam as a Black religion and Christianity as a White religion but it still makes no sense at all…
I know that White, Christian America gets the blame for the Slavery in America, but in order to lay that blame to “White Christian America” you have to forget that it was “White Christians” who fought for the abolishment of Slavery in the first place. and that it was "White Christians" that first taught you to read and write and even helped you when you escaped...

In addition to this it in necessary to forget also that the Nation of Islam has always been the main source of slavery for the entire world. Even before Islam was a religion…Dating all the way back to the early biblical times with Joseph being sold by his brothers to a band of slave trading “Ishmaelite’s”.
Ge 37:28 Then there passed by Midianites merchantmen; and they drew and lifted up Joseph out of the pit, and sold Joseph to the Ishmeelites for twenty pieces of silver: and they brought Joseph into Egypt.
Down through the centuries the history of Slave trade is written in blood that was shed by the descendents of Ishmael and Essau… Today called “Muslems” or "Nation of Islam"… (Anyone doubting this? Do a quick search of the history of slavery in the world and see for yourself!!!)
Why on earth… Would you want to Cuss the people who set you free and embrace the ones who sold you into slavery in the first place???
For the life of me I can’t Understand why the Black Community in the United States is choosing to embrace hatred based upon falsehood and choosing to reject Love and restoration based upon truth… It makes no sense at all.

Dear Brother and Sisters… My fellow AMERICANs… Regardless of Color, Race, Religion, and anything else that they are using to divide us… Please… Wake up… Talk to your families… Reason with them Before its too late…
God Has Blessed America... Remember to thank him for all he has done...
and maybe... just maybe...
God will Bless America again.
Mr Maranatha

Terry McAuliffe
Terry McAuliffe

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